5 years! Always thinking of you the most around this time, but especially this year bc it’s ur big 30! Celebrating you like the day you took the champi
onship on the Voice of China. Do we really remember that after party tho? ? #funfact : not only are our bdays 4 days apart, but my birthday falls on the same day as her dad ? #septemberbabies #twins\
五年了. 每一年這時候特別特別想你但今年特別重要因為是你的 big 30!???這幾年的發展和成長,努力,自信,魅力,我們都看見!好為你開心親愛的碧碧??? 今天為妳慶祝像當天好聲音總決賽你拿了冠軍在慶功宴一起慶祝!再過四天就換我和你爸了 哈哈 ??? 愛妳@diamond_zhangbc \
#happybirthday #diva #diamond #champion #voiceofchina #sisters #singers #zhangbichen #virgobabies #中國好聲音 #張碧晨 #四朵金花 #處女座 #love #inspire #celebratingyou #劉明湘