
謝謝 Kevin老師 來跟我們一起...

謝謝 Kevin老師 來跟我們一起歡樂直播\ 說真的有被嚇到,老師身手矯健而且活力十足,以第一次接觸格鬥運動來說很厲害!\ 當然還要感謝最強人妻我老婆 劉雨柔 跟崛起的小熊來當小助教,還有一起下場體驗的工作人員們。\ 每次教課看到新接觸格鬥運動的人能夠覺得有趣跟建立正面的形象,都覺得很開心?\ \ #

jeffmachine #taiwanmma #fitcollective #muaythai #kickboxing #boxing #mma #puma #pumataiwan #pumaeveryday #teammachine

If practicing mar...

If practicing martial arts has taught me one thing, it is being persistent and disciplined. Love my bro’s’ energy how they always drill me like crazy!

Will never forget our 1000 sit up warm up groups with these guys... yeah... literally!! Woot!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀\ Anyone up for some social distancing workout sessions in the park?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀\ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀\ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀\ #mma #martialarts #karate #ufc #boxing #losangelesmartialart #laart #painting #muaythai #fitness #losangelesgym #jiujitsu #wrestling #californiagyms #judo #fighter #training #bodybuilding #mixedmartialarts #motivation

BAM? \ Sometimes ...

BAM? \ Sometimes I just feel like doing a high kick in the middle of the road? Even if gyms are closed there’s always plenty of space to workout outsid

e, even if it’s just going for a walk to get your daily exercise in. Quarantine has gotten everyone stuck at home and on their screens. Why not enjoy the beautiful weather outside?\ \ #martialarts #beverlyhills #california #losangeles #slomotion #slomo #cooleffects #palmsprings #avengers #superhero #streetphotography #highkick #kickstagram #fighting #taekwondo #judo #mma

Take a look at so...

Take a look at some of my Taekwondo training clips?. Many of you may not know, but besides acting, singing and teaching, my other passion is in martial

arts/self defense. I've been training since I was a kid, and it definitely has taken a lot of endurance both physically and mentally to keep up with this demanding sport. Nonetheless, training always gets me fired up and motivated to continue working hard on music, acting, and teaching.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀\ Anything you're passionate about that you're currently pursuing or want to pursue in the future??⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀\ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀\ #mma #martialarts #karate #ufc #boxing #losangelesmartialart #laart #painting #muaythai #fitness #losangelesgym #jiujitsu #wrestling #californiagyms #judo #fighter #training #bodybuilding #mixedmartialarts #motivation

When you’re worki...

When you’re working towards something, never lose sight of the end goal. Maintaining your persistence and patience throughout, is vital to achieving wh

at you want is what I learned. Martial Arts, Taekwondo training and competitions has no doubt taught me that discipline and hard work will take you to far places, and meeting people you never imagine you can. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀\ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀\ #mma #fitness #muaythai #boxing #jiujitsu #kickboxing #ufc #karate #fight #wrestling #gym #taekwondo #motivation #fighter #mixedmartialarts #sport #workout #fit #champion #fighting #bodybuilding #kungfu #sports

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_ 從一開始只是單純覺得泰拳很帥 沒想過我會學到現在 每一個教過我的教練都對我很有耐心 也謝謝跟我一

起去學拳的夥伴們 (請忽略我短短的手腳_哈哈) — #泰拳 #泰拳教練 #波尼學泰拳 #muaythai #muaythaigirl #muaythaigirls #fitness #fit #boxing #bjj #mma #taiwan #kingbox #workout #exercise #taiwanesegirl #taiwanmuaythai #泰拳 #金霸泰拳 #女子泰拳 #運動 #瘦身 #減肥 #減脂 #台灣泰拳 #台北泰拳 #健身 #泰拳館 #wildgirl

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重訓菜雞的我,今天決定發一篇貼文紀錄一下重訓過程實錄 深蹲 33kg 4*3 軍事肩推 13kg

5*3 Bent row槓鈴划船 15kg 8*3 臀推 30kg 10*1 // 32kg 10*2 認真重訓時實在很難好好當一個網美 雙下巴炸裂、大肚腩噴發、疲憊的臉龐、痛苦的神情 但是我知道一切都是為了更好的自己邁進,不管平時雜事再多,都要盡量抓一週一次好好重訓一下 (嚴格來說一週一次真的很少) 感謝Simon有耐心教導 希望之後搭配泰拳訓練 可以有機會找到夢寐以求的速度與體態 #muaythai #muaythaigirl #muaythaigirls #fitness #fit #boxing #mma #taiwan #workout #exercise #taiwanesegirl #kickboxing #kungfu #taiwanmuaythai #泰拳 #johnfit #金霸泰拳 #運動 #瘦身 #減肥 #減脂 #健身 #running #run #ムエタイ

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嘴巴的口香糖差點噴出來 - 感謝阿傑老師 @ajie1207 第二堂的鏡頭武打課 - #ag鏡前武

打練習紀錄 #boxing#boxingtraining#boxinglife#mma#kungfu #帥#agboxinglife

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紀錄一下第一次的鏡前武打練習。配個音樂感覺比較帥.. 感謝教練 @ajie1207 細心教導還幫我拍

攝影片記錄下來。 體力和動作的部分還要繼續努力⛽️ #agboxinglife #ag鏡前武打練習紀錄 #boxing#boxingtraining#boxinglife#mma#kungfu

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老闆娘不能再廢 即使今天月經第一天一樣照樣練一下泰拳減肥 帶著新到手的浮誇拳套 @deepfeart

w 謝謝高凡每次對我那麼好 @jackykao1991 有在練拳擊的可跟他買相關的產品喔! 另外也穿浮誇的 #pumataiwan 新款整套運動服 想練泰拳的朋友不要觀望了啦 全台灣最棒的泰拳館就在這裡了 @kingbox_muaythaicenter #muaythai #muaythaigirl #muaythaigirls #fitness #fit #boxing #mma #taiwan #workout #exercise #taiwanesegirl #kickboxing #kungfu #taiwanmuaythai #泰拳 #金霸泰拳 #運動 #瘦身 #減肥 #減脂 #健身 #running #run #ムエタイ #ムエタイ女子 #Sabrina德的減肥日誌 #一個月減重計畫 #1021Day4