


房貸八成是基本,但能貸多久卻跟年紀很有關係!\ The secret of mortgage lies on your age. #盈盈來看厝\ \ #75法則\ #50公式\ #囗袋夠深才買中古屋\ #mortgage

\ 感謝建中泓睿同學之前貢獻的「經...

\ 感謝建中泓睿同學之前貢獻的「經濟大餐」,現在送上「財務金融大餐」??\ ————————————————\ ? 睿哥+俐媽英文教室:\ ? finance 金融\ ? FinTech (finance technology) 金融科技\ ? microcredit 微型貸款(micro-

: small)\ ? bull market 多頭市場(牛市)?\ ? bear market 空頭市場(熊市)?\ ? financial leverage 財務槓桿(企業對舉債與自有資金比例之運用)\ ? floating interest rate 浮動利率\ ? futures market 期貨市場\ ? subprime mortgage market 次級房貸危機(2007美國房價下跌,次級貸款大量違約,導致住房抵押貸款證券失去價值,使多家金融機構資本蒸發,造成世界各地緊縮信貸,進而導致2008世界金融海嘯)(❗️mortgage的t不發音哦)\ ? money laundering 洗錢(❗️不能用washing the money,會崩潰唷??)\ ? pink sheet 粉紅單(未上市股票)\ ? penny stock 仙股(股價低於1美元)\ ? short sale 賣空(是指投資者當股票價格看跌時,借入該股票拋出,待該股價格下落時,再以低價買進股票歸還經紀人,從而賺取中間差價)\ ? stock loan 融券\ ? capital 資本額(cap-: head, take)\ ? expenditure 支出\ ? bond 債券\ ? balance sheet 資產負債表\ ? bargain 交易(專指股市交易)\ ? stop loss limit 停損點(設定虧損出場時機)\ ? broker 證券經紀人;掮客\ ? credit rating 信用評等(❗️記得複習英模的credit一字多義大餐?)\ ? EPS (earnings per share) 每股盈餘\ ? IPO (initial public offering) 首次發行股票\ ? PER (price earning ratio) 本益比(股價除以EPS)\ ? PLC (public limited company) 公開發行公司\ ? net income 稅後淨利(❗️這裡的net可不是網子唷~)\ ? gross revenue 營收毛額(❗️gross在此也不表噁心?的意思)\ ? net revenue 營收淨額(-ven: come)\ ? default fine 違約金\ ? dividend 股利;股息(divide v. 分割)\ ? margin call 追加保證金通知\ ? blue chip 藍籌股(知名公司股票通稱)\ ? capital reduction 減資\ ? cash capital increase 增資\ ? closing price 收盤價\ ? equities 股本\ ? nominee 代理人(nomi-: name)\ ? investment bank 投資銀行\ ? insurance company 保險公司\ ? management consulting company 管理顧問公司\ ? holding company 控股公司\ ? trust corporation 信託公司\ ————————————————\ 著名金融機構:\ ? Goldman Sachs 高盛\ ? Morgan Stanley 摩根士丹利\ ? J.P.Morgan 摩根大通\ ? Citigroup 花旗集團\ ? Bank of America Merrill Lynch 美銀美林\ ? Deutsche Bank 德意志銀行\ ? Credit Suisse 瑞士信貸\ ? UBS 瑞銀\ ? HSBC 匯豐\ ? McKinsey & Company 麥肯錫\ ? Nomura Securities 野村證券\ ? The federal reserves system 非正式簡稱:Fed美聯儲\ ? NYSE 紐約證交所\ ? NASDAQ composite index 納斯達克綜合指數\ ? Dow Jones industrial average index道瓊工業平均指數\ ? S&P 500 index 標準普爾500指數\ ? commerce (n.) 商業(commercial a. 商業的)\ ———————————————\ 有你們這些專才的幫助,俐媽出餐真的輕鬆很多!??????\ 俐媽真的不擅長投資??......\ 以後投資理財也要靠你們了,感謝???\ #finance #stockmarket #investment #mortgage #謝謝泓睿 #俐媽英文教室徵稿中 #快tag對財務金融有興趣的朋友吧\

\ 有沒有有色人種難貸款的八卦?\...

\ 有沒有有色人種難貸款的八卦?\ \ #zillow #mortgage\

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Borrowed a crapton of money today!!! Lucia is th

e worst Gold digger ever! If I before her....she gets to inherit soooooooo much debt #homeowner #debt #couple #couplegoals #realestate #texas #mortgage #assets #financialfreedom

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- I must pay my sh&@ mortgage... @playoverwatch @an

imalcrossingde - - #overwatch #animalcrossing #animalcrossingnewhorizons #nintendo #nintendoswitch #dva #dvaoverwatch #zootopia #blizzard #furry #furryart #acnh #tarantula #mortgage #fanart #characterart #bunny #overwatchcomic #comicart #illustration #動物の森 #動物森友會

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OMG I miss everyone so much ☹️ #credit #donate #nev

erstopexploring #family #instatravel #makeup #food #sunset #mortgage #travelingram #personaltraining #mercedes #swag #life #outfitpost #tasty #fitnesstrainer #fun #fit #lifestyle #happy #beauty #hair #attorney #model #beach #paradise#credit #donate #neverstopexploring #family #instatravel #makeup #food #sunset #mortgage #travelingram #personaltraining #mercedes #swag #life #outfitpost #tasty #fitnesstrainer #fun #fit #lifestyle #happy #beauty #hair #attorney #model #beach #paradise

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Bibo: How am I supposed to afford much more bones a

nd cookies after I sign this real estate contract . 最近除了週年慶花錢之外,這件事情也花錢....而且是大錢 . #一人一百救救嚴蛋糕 #更要好好賺錢了 #realestate #property #contract #realestatecontracts #mortgage #puppy #dogreadingabook #doxie #dachshund #dog #wienerdog #newhome #newhouse

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是大麥克啊不對是大賣空啦 (大推!但需記得要帶腦袋出門) Just saw The Big Short

. #大賣空 #1月15上映 #試片會 #TheBigShort #movie #good #greed #很多專業術語 #但是專心看不會看不懂 #大推 #wallstreet #housing #market #mortgage #duncan #duncandesign