

瘋查某尬英文 | 馬來西亞女孩YJ大讚台灣防疫

#coronavirus #covid19\ 查某呼籲大家在這緊張時刻,還是要 Keep social distance!!!(保持適當距離)Stay at home for your loved ones??\ \ YJ誠摯心聲 ? \ \ To:Malaysia 馬來西亞??\ 請大家乖乖待在家裡,善用這28天,好嗎?我知道不能出門很悶,但就當作是終於有時間和家人聚在一起吧!馬來西亞真的不能再更「好」了 ? 你們懂的!加油 ❤️\ \ #瘋查某尬英文 #防疫 #冠狀病毒 #隔離 #學英文 #英文單字 #coronavirus #pandemic\ \ ▶️關注瘋查某Instag

gram學習更多英文: https://www.instagram.com/crazy_girl_english/\ \ ?教你麥霸的英文怎麼說:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiwiLwGONnY\ ?耍廢的英文怎麼說:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6Rt6ftUfS4&t=7s\ ?捷運上的低頭族英文怎麼說:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCb5NmZpxk4&t=25s\ ?一句英文對付美國瞎妹「谷地女孩」:https://reurl.cc/20MzrE\ ?「是在哈囉」英文怎麼說?:https://reurl.cc/Qdne9q\ ?藝人小甜甜教你英文(上):https://reurl.cc/Oba2N3\ ?藝人小甜甜教你英文(下):https://reurl.cc/M7mY5W


【給小編一個形容詞_____?,讓我知道你的 #2020年 過得如何?】\ \ 很多人默默期盼,從2020這一年的夢魘中醒來。\ \ 時代雜誌形容這是「最糟糕的一年」、韋式辭典選出「大流行」為年度代表字,這一切災難,要從1月爆發的新冠疫情開始說起…\ \ 史無前例的這一年,有多悲慘?\ \ #covi

d19 #coronavirus #pandemic\ \ ?遠見IG分享好照片:http://bit.ly/2HvEoJk\ ?掌握新知!加入遠見LINE好友:https://bit.ly/2xL03L4\ ?訂閱遠見雜誌YouTube,記得開啟小鈴鐺!http://bit.ly/2FcCknT\ ?追蹤遠見Google news,給你最新資訊:https://bit.ly/3cOC6l5


[BACK TO JAPAN DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC]\ 昨日公開の動画を撮影する道中にちょいちょい撮っていた写真たち。\ 5枚目は上空から見下ろす東京の街。1年ぶり!ただいま!\ ※帰国理由などは動画でお話しています?\ ・\ 我在回國的行程中,拍一拍一些照片\ 第

五張是在飛機上拍到的東京,東京好久不見!我回來了!\ *在影片中說明這個時間點回國的理由?‍♀️\ ・\ ?NEW VIDEO?\ https://youtu.be/kEy6gt8aZdo\ \ #covid19 #coronavirus #pandemic #travel #flight #taiwan #japan #台湾 #日本 #海外在住 #一時帰国 #コロナ #コロナウイルス #コロナ対策 #空港 #台灣 #機場 #防疫 #疫情 #外國人的角度來看防疫

This was the last...

This was the last day dining-out, before LA Shut Down. ⁠\ I'm really starting to miss my friends and family. This pandemic is really making me miss the

little kind, human things in life we have taken for granted, such as life and health. Hope all of you Artists out there have been well and have also built a routine of workouts and work schedules, too. What are some of your tips on doing so? Feel free to share. And we can pick up tricks from one another and bring back the community, again, digitally this time! ⁠?⁠\ .⁠\ .⁠\ .⁠\ .⁠\ #wewillwin #pandemic #missyou #friends #family #life #safety #health #regulations #digital #virtual #meet #zoom #instagram #socialmedia #community #education #zen #growth #adjustment #adapt #losangeles #lockdown #actor #film #movie #actorslife #hollywood #movies #love

As one of the pio...

As one of the pioneer of the nonwoven industry in Taiwan and the Top 40 of global nonwoven manufacturer. KNH HOME 生活選品 (KNH) can provide the most compr

ehensive technology and service for the manufacturing of feminine care and medical product. With the integration and summarization of raw material knowledge, process technology, mechanical design, product design, quality control, plant and capacity planning, factory management system. KNH can be more competitive by the manufacturing experiences.\ \ ▍Follow the tour for more medical products\ ➤ https://reurl.cc/zzqXWk\ \ #MedicalTaiwan #EpidemicPrevention #pandemic #Epidemic #medical #healthcare #mask\ \ https://youtu.be/dEG9OnBBL8A

Under the Taiwan ...

Under the Taiwan government’s motto “#TaiwanCanHelp, TAIWAN IS HELPING”, TAITRA is actively supporting the global fight against COVID-19. \ \ 中華民國對外貿易發

展協會 - TAITRA worked with more than 2,000 companies and 20 hospitals, as well as diplomatic and economic organizations to launch the Taiwan Global Anti-Covid-19 Pavilion ( Anticovid19tw ). The Pavilion is a platform to contribute resources for epidemic prevention, share Taiwan’s experiences, and empower those in need with medical technology and medical devices. \ \ ▍Follow the tour for more medical products\ ➤ https://reurl.cc/zzqXWk\ \ #MedicalTaiwan #EpidemicPrevention #pandemic #Epidemic #medical #healthcare #MedicalPlatform\ \ https://youtu.be/MHdtZGLeOWI

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I'm back See you Taiwan ・ NEW VIDEO RETURNING TO JA

PAN DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC https://youtu.be/kEy6gt8aZdo Subtitle: 日本語 / 繁體中文 ・ YouTube SAYULOG ・ #taiwan #japan #covid19 #pandemic #flight #returning #travelblog #台湾 #日本 #コロナ対策 #防疫 #대만 #일본 #ไวรัสโคโรน่า #ไต้หวัน #ญี่ปุ่น #การท่องเที่ยว #tayvan #japonya #japon #seyahat

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最近真的是有夠忙 除了拍了人生第一支youtube 之外 (連結在bio 哈哈歡迎觀看訂閱)還有一堆大

小事要處理 疫情越來越嚴重每天都飆高病例真希望2020能快點過 #2020 #life #canada #vancouver #加拿大 #溫哥華 #pandemic #asian #taiwan #taiwanese #台灣 #台灣youtuber #創作 #youtube #youtuber #instagood #instalife #instadaily #daily

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Hi San Diego. If we aren’t in the pandemic maybe w

e could have dinner in the restaurant. #sandiego #nightview #nightviewinsandiego #sandiegolife #sandiegophotography #usa #pandemic #pandemic2020 #covid19 #coronadoisland #聖地牙哥 #聖地牙哥景點 #美國生活 #美國旅遊 #南加州 #職業觀光客 #職業觀光客lisa

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Artist-in-residence Matsu / 馬祖駐村Day 5 這是2020年的記憶。

#covid19 #pandemic #ocean #matsu #藝術游擊 #島嶼對話 #馬祖文化交流計畫 #國立新竹生活美學館

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今天的影片呢~ 可以說是繼續上一支居家防疫生活影片 跟大家分享我們這段期間在家是如何取悅兩小的! 上次

跟大家分享了拼圖、床墊、有聲書、溜滑梯、野餐等 今天呢~來給大家看看其他不一樣的活動吧! #居家生活 #生活日常 #陪小孩玩 #在家玩遊戲 #vlog #dailyvlog #畫畫 #防疫 #pandemic #dailylife #livingingermany #fulltimemom #stayathomemom #frankfurter #frankfurtyoutuber #frankfurtblogger #mixedbabies #interracialfamily #familyvlog #ordinaryfamily #taiwanese #imfromtaiwan #我台灣我驕傲 #frankfurtmom #stayhomewithme #activitiesforkidsathome #activitiesforkids #momof2 #reallife #mylife