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Let's comic! It's a short story talk about a girl w

ho try to live in the city and keep running. This work had already exhibited in Hong Kong in last August.(The first part of the story is in the last post.) Thax for your watch! 利用了一下IG的連頁功能,把去年在香港參展的漫畫貼了出來,這是個女孩試著在城市生活的小故事(下篇) . . . #illustration #illustrator #draw #drawing #painting #paint #photoshop #pen #art #artist #comic #manga #taiwan #street #streetart #surround #surroundings #scene #scenery #exhibition #台灣 #插畫 #街道 #漫畫

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Let's comic! It's a short story talk about a girl w

ho try to live in the city and keep running. This work had already exhibited in Hong Kong in last August.(The last half of the story is in the next post.) Thax for your watch! 利用了一下IG的連頁功能,把去年在香港參展的漫畫貼了出來,這是個女孩試著在城市生活的小故事(漫畫後半在下一篇貼文) . . . #illustration #illustrator #draw #drawing #painting #paint #photoshop #pen #art #artist #comic #manga #taiwan #street #streetart #surround #surroundings #scene #scenery #exhibition #台灣 #插畫 #街道 #漫畫

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Self-portrait (其實本人實際長得比較幼稚的自畫像。) . . . #illustrat

ion #illustrator #draw #drawing #drawings #painting #paintings #taiwan #girl #people #art #artist #surroundings #scenery #scene #photoshop #pen #self #portrait #插畫 #繪圖 #自畫像 #台灣

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Happy 2018 Dog Year! Drawing the dogs on street in

Taiwan that I love so much. 以自己的方式跟大家拜年,畫了很喜歡的台灣巷弄和狗狗們(在路上看到的一律叫做小黑小黃小白),對於狗派的我來說狗年給人的印象實在太可愛了! . . . #illustration #illustrator #draw #drawing #drawings #painting #paintings #taiwan #street #streetart #surroundings #scenery #scene #dog #motorcycle #photoshop #pen #插畫 #繪圖 #街道 #台灣愛情故事 #黃鼠狼 #台灣

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It's pretty magical and beautiful when we meet peop

le. 人與人的相遇真的是很神奇的一件事啊 . . . #illustration #illustrator #drawings #drawings #photoshop #pen #surrounding #surroundings #scenery #scene #stree #streetstyle #streetart #art #painting #taiwan #插畫 #台灣 #街道 #台灣愛情故事