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畫一些關於回憶的東西物件。猜猜看會是什麼場景? Drawing some objects about

memories. Guess what the scene will be . . #illustration #drawing #paintings #art #surroundings #scene #scenery #taiwan #memories #object #photoshop #brush #台灣 #插畫 #場景

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到郊區的房子上,還存有些人工手寫的老廣告。當我捕捉到這些可愛的手寫牆,真的覺得眼睛及內心都被治癒了呀!「一起去尋找可以讓我們病痛飛的事物吧」 I found the wall of house in Taiwan's suburbs having some words by hand. It's so cute and characteristic. l love and think these old things cure my mind :) . . #illustration #drawing #art #paintings #street #surrounding #road #Taiwan #scene #scenery #motorcycle #photoshop #brush #台灣 #插畫

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Darling Harbour #darlingdaily #darlingharbour #sin

glegay #singlegayguy #taiwanese #lateafternoon #friday #fridaymood #happiness #goodsceneryco #scene #greatview #springbreak #sofiteldarlingharbour #sunset #worldpeace #australia #sydney #aroundtheworld

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Darling Harbour #darlingdaily #darlingharbour #sin

glegay #singlegayguy #taiwanese #lateafternoon #friday #fridaymood #happiness #goodsceneryco #scene #greatview #springbreak #sofiteldarlingharbour #sunset #worldpeace #australia #sydney #aroundtheworld

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謝謝這四天帶給我的感動。忙完一波,休息一下後繼續往前 Keep going after taking

a rest. . . #illustration #drawing #paintings #art #artstyle #surroundings #scene #scenery #taiwan #street #photoshop #brush #motorcycle #插畫 #台灣