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"Don't ever grow up. Play on! " Wish we can be toge

ther like child naively in this world even we grow up. 今天剛好看到了歇業的玩具反斗城公開給大家的話:「不要長大,繼續玩吧!」保有天真無邪的那面是很難得的,雖然我們都已是大人了,能夠偶爾還像孩子一樣 忘我的玩樂,算是給這個現實的世界一個反擊吧 ~ . . #illustration #illustration #drawing #draw #painting #art #artstyle #street #surroundings #taiwan #cranemachine #doll #scene #scenery #photoshop #color #pen #ningloart #插畫 #台灣 #黃鼠狼 #夾娃娃機

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Frequently visiting a shop to see someone 有沒有那種常去某

家店是為了看到某個人 「長輩也需要戀愛」 . . . #illustration #drawing #painting #draw #taiwan #streets #streetstyle #scene #scenery #art #artist #artstyle #artwork #surrounding #surroundings #photoshop #pen #color #haircut #hairdresser #secret #fallinlove #love #uncle #ningloart #台灣愛情故事 #台灣 #黃鼠狼 #插畫 #繪圖

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Uncle also wants to fall in love 大叔也想談戀愛 . . . #ill

ustration #illustrator #drawing #draw #art #artist #artwork #artstyle #painting #photoshop #pen #taiwan #surrounding #surroundings #dancehall #dance #scene #scenery #ningloart #color #uncle #fallinlove #love #台灣愛情故事 #台灣 #街景 #黃鼠狼

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My favorite in childhood 小時候超喜歡吃的東西! . . . #illust

ration #illustrator #draw #drawing #drawings #painting #paintings #taiwan #artstyle #work #eat #art #artist #surroundings #scenery #scene #photoshop #pen #favorite #food #插畫 #繪圖 #日本肝油丸 #台灣

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Start to exercise Character&scene design:NingLo Mo

tion:@kevincc1106+吳佳軒cover Music:ポップしなないで「魔法使いのマキちゃん」 . . . #animation #animate #illustration #drawing #painting #exercise #gym #color #scene #character #motion